Los niños actores de “Radical” preguntan a Eugenio Derbez, lo que nunca antes se habían atrevido

Diviértete viendo y no olvides compartir la entrevista que le realicé al elenco estelar de Radical- Eugenio Derbez, Mia Solís, Jennifer Trejo, y Danilo Guardiola- el 19 de Octubre, en Los Angeles, California. Durante la charla, les pedí a los niños que preguntaran a Eugenio Derbez, lo que nunca antes se habían atrevido a preguntarle. Y Eugenio Derbez, sin temor alguno, les contestó con su famosa frase “¡Pregúntame, preguuuntame!”
Radical es una película con mucho corazón y es inspirada en una historia real sobre Sergio Juárez Correa, el maestro de Matamoros, México que motivará al mundo entero a partir de que se conozca su historia a traves de esta Pelicula! Radical es protagonizada por otro genio del drama y la comedia Eugenio Derbez y niños que nunca habían actuado #MiaSolis #JenniferTrejo #DaniloGuardiola Dirigida por 🎬 #ChristopherZalla 🍿En cines Nov 3, 2023.
Sinopsis: En un pueblo fronterizo mexicano plagado de negligencia, corrupción y violencia,
un maestro frustrado (Eugenio Derbez) prueba un nuevo método radical para
desatar la curiosidad y el potencial de sus alumnos… y tal vez incluso su
genialidad. Basado en una historia real. Ganadora al premio “Favorito del Festival” en el Festival de Cine de Sundance, 2023.
Fecha de estreno: 3 de noviembre de 2023
Duración: 127 minutos
Elenco: Eugenio Derbez, Daniel Haddad, Jennifer Trejo, Mía Fernanda Solís, Danilo Guardiola
Director: Christopher Zalla
Guionista: Christopher Zalla
Productores: Ben Odell, Eugenio Derbez, Joshua Davis
Editor: Eugenio Richer
Director de fotografía: Mateo Londoño
Diseñadora de vestuario: Lupita Pekinpah
Productora: 3Pas Studios, presentado por Pantelion Films y Participant.
Redes Sociales: Facebook @RadicalTheMovie
Instagram @RadicalTheMovie
TikTok @RadicalTheMovie
Twitter @RadicalTheMovie
YouTube https://www.youtube.com/@PantelionFilms
Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L4DvL0UBZPQ
Have fun watching the interview I conducted on October 19th, in Los Angeles, California, with the cast of Radical – Eugenio Derbez, Mia Solís, Jennifer Trejo, and Danilo Guardiola – During the chat, I invited the children to ask Eugenio Derbez what they had never dared to ask him before. And Eugenio Derbez, without any fear, replied with his famous phrase “Aaaaask me man, aaaaaask me”
Radical is a #movie with so much heart it will melt you! IIs nspired by a true story #sergiojuarez a teacher who teaches at a very poor town in Matamoros, México and discovered little #geniuses after implementing his unique and creative method for education. Starring our beloved Eugenio Derbez and kids who had never acted before.
Synopsis: In a Mexican border town plagued by neglect, corruption, and violence, a frustrated
teacher (Eugenio Derbez) tries a radical new method to unleash the curiosity and
potential of his students … and maybe even their genius. Based on a true story.
Winner of the “Festival Favorite” award at the Sundance Film Festival 2023.
Release date: November 3, 2023
Run time: 127 minutes
Cast: Eugenio Derbez, Daniel Haddad, Jennifer Trejo, Mía Fernanda Solís, Danilo Guardiola
Director: Christopher Zalla
Screenwriter: Christopher Zalla
Producers: Ben Odell, Eugenio Derbez, Joshua Davis
Editor: Eugenio Richer
Director of
Photography: Mateo Londoño
Director: Lupita Pekinpah
Companies: 3Pas Studios, presented by Pantelion Films and Participant
Social Media: Facebook: @RadicalTheMovie
Instagram: @RadicalTheMovie
TikTok: @RadicalTheMovie
Twitter: @RadicalTheMovie
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@PantelionFilms
Hashtag: #RadicalTheMovie
Website: https://www.radical.movie/
Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L4DvL0UBZPQ

Dulce Osuna has over a decade of dedicated and extensive work experience in television, radio broadcasting and digital media. Whether behind or in front of the camera, Dulce has excelled as a producer, journalist, host, anchor, radio personality and YouTuber|Content Creator. She is a content creator on YouTube with around 300K and 300 Million Reproductions/Views and she is the co-founder and co-creator of Holahollywood.com, a bilingual entertainment digital magazine.