Te invitamos a la exposición de Meztli Ruzani Amaro, artista única de Oaxaca que pinta naturaleza a base de plantas mesoamericanas

Meztli Ruzani Amaro, artista plástica originaria de Oaxaca, pinta la naturaleza y a base de plantas mesoamericanas

KPFK te invita a la exposición de Meztli Ruzani Amaro, artista plástica originaria de Oaxaca. Con raíces mixtecas y purépechas, estudió la Licenciatura en artes plásticas y visuales en la Facultad de Bellas Artes de Oaxaca. Comenzó a pintar y esculpir desde los 15 años, ha hecho varias exposiciones individuales y colectivas. Su temática actual es pintar la naturaleza y actividades primitivas mediante una óptica surrealista, empleando acrílico sobre tela, óleo y uniones en frío; además de pigmentos naturales a base de plantas mesoamericanas como grana cochinilla, kë/ën, añil y una planta que ella misma cultiva. Ha tomado talleres con los maestros Dean McCleary, Felipe Ugalde, Tutua Boshell, Jesse Bert, Aguri Uchida; en el CASA, IAGO, Museo Textil, etc

Sobre Primitive

Dado el cambio actual en los ecosistemas a partir de la llegada de la era moderna, veo imperante crear conciencia en favor del bienestar de la naturaleza. Dentro del grupo de los 17 “países megadiversos”, México se ubica en el lugar número 5, después de Brasil, Colombia, China e Indonesia. Sin embargo, la biodiversidad mundial ha disminuido alarmantemente en medio siglo: más de 25000 especies, casi un tercio de las conocidas, están en peligro de desaparecer.

La colección pictórica Primitive se crea a partir de esto, con una serie de pinturas enfocadas en actividades primitivas contrapuestas con animales en peligro de extinción, destaca la fauna y flora que nos regala la naturaleza, la cual está siendo explotada de forma inconsciente. Primitive se divide en dos técnicas pictóricas.

La primera, hecha a base de pigmentos obtenidos a partir de plantas endémicas de Mesoamérica con temática autóctona y de forma monocromática, se trazan actividades ancestrales y algunas aun presentes en la vida cotidiana de familias mexicanas. La segunda muestra paisajes y retratos surrealista, con una especie animal como protagónica en donde con colores brillantes y variados representan la contemplación, que para mi visión, es la magia de cada criatura.

La exposición estará abierta hasta el Domingo 25 de Junio, 2023. Ven y trae a tus amigos y a toda tu familia y disfruta de un arte cultural y única en el mundo.

Más Sobre, Meztli Ruzani Amaro: https://www.meztliart.com/

Dirección: 3729 Cahuenga blvd West, Studio City, California 91604


Meztli Ruzani Amaro, plastic artist originally from Oaxaca, paints nature with Mesoamerican plants

KPFK invites you the Meztli Ruzani Amaro’s exhibition, a plastic artist from Oaxaca with Mixtec and Purépecha roots. She has a Bachelor of Plastic and Visual Arts at the Faculty of Fine Arts of Oaxaca. She began painting and sculpting at the age of 15, participating in several individual and collective exhibitions. Her current theme is painting nature and primitive activities through a surrealist optic, using acrylic on canvas, oil and cold unions as well as natural pigments based on Mesoamerican plants such as grana cochineal, kehel, indigo and a plant that she cultivates herself. She has taken workshops with Dean McCleary, Felipe Ugalde, Tutua Boshell, Jesse Bert, Aguri Uchida at CASA, IAGO, Textile Museum, etc.

“That’s why I created PRIMITIVE, with a series of paintings focused on primitive activities contrasted with endangered animals”

Due to the current change in ecosystems since the arrival of the modern era, I see the necessity to raise awareness in favor of the well-being of nature. Within the group of 17 “megadiverse countries”, Mexico is ranked number 5, after Brazil, Colombia, China and Indonesia. However, global biodiversity has decreased alarmingly in the past century: more than 25,000 species, almost a third of those known, are in danger of disappearing. That’s why I created PRIMITIVE, with a series of paintings focused on primitive activities contrasted with endangered animals, highlighting the fauna and flora that nature gives us, and which is being exploited unconsciously. I use two main technics in PRIMITIVE.

One made from pigments obtained from endemic Mesoamerican plants with autochthonous themes using a single tone, I visualize ancestral activities still present in the daily life of Mexican families. The second shows surreal landscapes and portraits, with particular species as the protagonist, where with bright and varied colors they represent contemplation, in my vision, is the magic of each species

The exhibition will be open until Sunday June 25. Come and bring your friends and your whole family and enjoy a cultural and unique art in the world.

More About, Meztli Ruzani Amaro: https://www.meztliart.com/

Address: 3729 Cahuenga blvd West, Studio City, California 91604

Dulce Osuna

Dulce Osuna has over a decade of dedicated and extensive work experience in television, radio broadcasting and digital media. Whether behind or in front of the camera, Dulce has excelled as a producer, journalist, host, anchor, radio personality and YouTuber|Content Creator. She is a content creator on YouTube with around 300K and 300 Million Reproductions/Views and she is the co-founder and co-creator of Holahollywood.com, a bilingual entertainment digital magazine.