Experiencing Free Guy by Edgar Caballero
Ryan Reynolds will surprise you with this amazing video game-related movie
Of course, we know he is so funny! But he has produced a film that not only represents the video game world but also manages to bring in a heartwarming story with characters that we all can feel identified with.
We won’t spoil the movie for you but we can’t tell you that you won’t want to stop watching until it’s done. So, prepare your popcorn and some wipes because you will be laughing, crying, and then… laughing again. It is just that the things the characters in this movie go through are something we could see in our own lives and might not even realize.
Video games lovers won’t be disappointed, and vice-versa
If you are a video game lover no worries, this movie is absolutely for you.
Full of action, chaos, explosion, and all the fun stuff. But if you are not into video games, no problema ! The story will touch your heart no matter what. The special effects are fantastic, the emotion is real, the music is a fantasy and there are some easter eggs!
So, if you are having a bad day or wish to get away from your typical routine, this is the movie to go to. We would even dare to call it uplifting ! Between all the guns, fancy cars, and buildings collapsing there is also friendship, romance, and a great message; No matter who you are or where you come from, we all have the right to pursue what we love and be happy.
Séverine has always been a movies lover. After studying film and media both in Paris, France and in California (UCSB), she became a videomaker. Fan of visual images, she co-created HolaHollywood with Dulce Osuna, where she can give substance to her thirst for film and TV.